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It was really an honor to our Global Forum for Media and Development /Egypt ‘team headed by General secretary of the Forum Mrs.Mona el saghir with the support of our innovative director of the Forum Ms.Rehab ElGhatrify ,Hanan ,Nehal and Mahinor , to take part in such an important Media week of the
The “2018 Hubei
Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Media Week in Africa” event (“Hubei Media Week” for short) is themed around “cooperation, sharing, innovation, and development”. Through exhibitions, book translations, dialogues with writers, copyright business, investment promotion, and cultural interactions, the event covers a wide range of fields, such as publishing, films, television programs, literature, and art. It is designed to promote extensive, in-depth exchanges and cooperation between the press, publishing, radio, film and television media groups and cultural corporations in Hubei Province of China and their counterparts in Africa.

Strategic Objectives
contributor to change, a vehicle for policy-makers
The Forum acts as a contributor to change, a vehicle for policy-makers, practitioners and scholars, and an instrument for the revival of the almost extinct cultural goods of particular indigenous groups. It also serves as a platform for discussing media and development issues, and as a network with similar organizations and networks.
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