Breaking News
Bpw international Candle light ceremony
Celebration of 94 Anniversary Bpw international Candle light ceremony Instalment of new young BPW members 27 August 2024 We have come together to participate in a special tribute to one of the world most influential organization ,The International Federation of Business and professional women ,which unites women around the world The candle symbolize the ambitions and endeavors of dedicated women in every country around the world
Strategic Objectives
contributor to change, a vehicle for policy-makers
The Forum acts as a contributor to change, a vehicle for policy-makers, practitioners and scholars, and an instrument for the revival of the almost extinct cultural goods of particular indigenous groups. It also serves as a platform for discussing media and development issues, and as a network with similar organizations and networks.
News & Events
الطفل العربى ورؤية جديدة للرقابة فى ظل السموات المفتوحة
بحث-خاص-بالمجلس-العربى-للطفولةDownload الطفل العربى ورؤية جديدة للرقابة فى ظل السموات المفتوحة النقاط الهامة التي يتناولها ا لبحث دور الرقابة وكيفية حفظ التوازن بين حماية الأطفال والنشئ وبين إطلاق الحريات باستخدام نظام التصنيف العمرى للمواد...
Protocol signed by Naglaa Elsahar and Mona Elsaghir representing two foundations Maxim and GFMD
The “Arab Lions Clubs Twenty Conference” under the theme of “Climate, Environment, and Community Development”
The "Arab Lions Clubs Twenty Conference" under the theme of "Climate, Environment, and Community Development" will take place from January 12th to 15th, 2023. This conference is organized by Lions Clubs in all Arab countries, taking into consideration that this year...
Maxim & GFMD Protocol Maxim & GFMD Protocol “Your role to make others happy” is an Egyptian Maxim foundation initiative in cooperation with the Global Forum for Media and Development The initiative “Your...
Mabra Elmaadi Hospital Mabra Elmaadi Hospital This film was produced by the Global Forum for Media and Development /Global Compact United Nations, as a kind of appreciation of the great role played by Garden City lions club ,which consider to be a...
المؤتمر الدولي الأول لتطويرمنظومة التعليم الفني والتدريب المهني
توصيات المؤتمر الدولي الأول لتطويرمنظومة التعليم الفني والتدريب المهني Edu-Tech Cairo'15 "الخبرات الدولية، الإقليمية والمحلية لتطوير التعليم الفني والتدريب" والذي عقد تحت رعاية وزارة التربية والتعليم والتعليم الفني- وزارة التعليم العالي -...
The Role of Women in Supporting the soft power of Egypt
Elizabeth Harderer in Women Symposium (Tunisia) So lucky to meet PID (past International Director) in Europe Elizabeth Hardener during women symposium 3rd Lions African Forum in Tunisia Yes do Lucky to meet a role model of an empowered woman whom generate a very positive energy to all...
Sarah Buki interview with GFMD General Secretary
Global Compact 2022 Leaders’ Summit!
Thank-you-for-attending-the-2022-LeadersDownload Thank you for attending the Global Compact 2022 Leaders’ Summit! We as a members of Global Forum for Media & Development and a UN Global Compact member, appreciate such a great role played by GC for...