Maxim & GFMD Protocol

Maxim & GFMD Protocol “Your role to make others happy” is an Egyptian Maxim foundation initiative in cooperation with the Global Forum for Media and Development The initiative “Your role to make others happy” was launched in a ceremony attended by a group of...

Mabra Elmaadi Hospital

Mabra Elmaadi Hospital This film was produced by the Global Forum for Media and Development /Global Compact United Nations, as a kind of appreciation of the great role played by Garden City lions club ,which consider to be a role model of a very good NGO ‘s in Egypt ....

المؤتمر الدولي الأول لتطويرمنظومة التعليم الفني والتدريب المهني

توصيات   المؤتمر الدولي الأول لتطويرمنظومة التعليم الفني والتدريب المهني   Edu-Tech Cairo’15   “الخبرات الدولية، الإقليمية والمحلية لتطوير التعليم الفني والتدريب”   والذي عقد تحت رعاية وزارة التربية والتعليم والتعليم الفني- وزارة...

Elizabeth Harderer in Women Symposium (Tunisia)

So lucky to meet PID (past International Director) in Europe Elizabeth Hardener during women symposium 3rd Lions African Forum in Tunisia Yes do Lucky to meet a role model of an empowered woman whom generate a very positive energy to all attendees of the symposium ,...